Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Apps for the classroom

Kudos to Team Awesome for their Team Tech Talk last week.  It was a great overview of the current capablities of apps and iPad features.  Much like our team "wiki" talk, we discovered as a class both the benefits and shortcomings of these technologies.  They're great when they work, but disheartening when they don't.  The apps in particular could lead to a dismall class period if you've planned the whole hour around a particular function and it ends up failing.  But we do need to acknowledge that most of these technologies are in their infancy and will continue to improve and morph as we learn more about the functionality of these technologies.  It will be quite intriguing to see the future classroom of 2022. 


  1. I hate it when technology doesnt work.

    If I am shy about using technology it is for 1 of 2 reasons:
    1. fear of it not working
    2. No knowledge about how to use it/learning curve

  2. Apps seem to be in the earliest stages of its infancy. However, I think as time develops apps in the classroom will become a norm.
